Saturday Jun 30, 2018

When learning really makes a difference ... shifting mindsets to get lasting change

Knowledge and skills are not even half the battle when it comes to getting lasting performance improvement.

People not only need to know what to do and how to do it, they need to have the confidence to do it, the judgement to know when to do it, and the dedication to break old habits, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and construct new - more helpful - mental models.

Only then will we consistently see people taking the great leaps forward that we - and they - aspire to.

In this podcast, I chat to Emma Shaw, an enthusiast for L&D that's all about mindset shifts - which also happens to be my own favourite part of the business.

Emma Shaw discovered Learning and Development purely by accident and has had a passion for it ever since. With a very varied career within the field, she has always found one thing consistently fascinating; what makes people tick and how they evolve.

As a facilitator and natural coach, Emma uses accelerated learning techniques, NLP and other creative approaches to bring out the best in people whilst creating the best learning environment possible and even sometimes challenge the status quo.

She is passionate about ensuring that learning interactions really deliver results, so she is keen to always ensure a full needs analysis is done to create the right learning outcomes. That way, the learning becomes meaningful, high impact and stands out from the norm as a unique and memorable experience.

Emma runs her own consultancy business in the North West and has an entrepreneurial spirit. One of her new projects is co-founding a new membership site specialising in wellbeing, mindset and successfully navigating life.

Her key areas of skill within are behavioural and mindset change, sales, customer excellence and management/leadership development, as well as personal development and career coaching. You can find out more on

And feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.


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